Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I wonder what the reaction be if it was the other way around.

Clearly I am not living in a free country. I abhor the act of "forcing" someone to believe in what he or she does not believe. It never works. It's unnatural.

Malaysia rejects Christian appeal

The crime of apostasy

Monday, May 21, 2007


Babysitting at the expense of me spending the weekend at home
We the PPOU students were "coerced into volunteering"(what a paradox!) for a camp meant for high school kids next week on Monday. Apparently I, along with the rest of us have to become facilitators. In order for us to become decent facilitators, we're suppose to undergo a weekend of training (yes from Friday till Sunday!). This translates into me not being able to spend my ritualistic weekly communion at my humble abode which of course happens to coincide with "the training". And because the girls will be living at the boys' apartments, I will have to live without the precious internet I have learned to take for granted for six whole days. By the way we are not getting paid for this. This is what some may call neo-volunteering. Oh wait, quasi-volunteering would be more precise.

PS: According to the timetable of the camp thing, there was a slot for brainwashing. Prepare for the waterworks. I for once have never fallen for any stupid brainwashing camp activities designed to "menginsafkan" innocent kids. I do not cry for pure shallow fiction.

Unforeseen midterm timetable change
As is the norm with this batch of PPOU, even exam dates cannot be determined properly. Heck we weren't even sure if there would be a midterm (because physics' midterm was indeed canceled). Thus the fuss now is only about calculus which was suppose to be held next Monday (yes the camp thing above starts on Monday). Apparently our lecturer has given in to the PPOU program's request of changing that particular date. And he chose to drop the bomb on us by saying that the midterm will indeed be put forward to this Friday. With the way I spent last weekend at home, I practically shot myself in the foot. To top of that, now I can't even spend a freaking night at home for at least eleven whole days because of this and the brainwashing camp. How very nice indeed.

Join it now here! Super addictive.

It's all in the mind

I think too much.
I space out a lot.
I laze around often.
I do not have a social life 90% of the time.
I make excuses to myself.
I can be timid.
I do not know what I'm good at.
Apparently my English is better than my Math...I found out about it a little too late.
I wish I was a little bit more talkative.
I have conversations in my head.
I hardly ever truly click with anyone.

They say you are what you think you are.
It's all in the mind. Oh yes it is.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bordering hedonistic-ism

I can't help it. With everything set in August I feel very whimsical and can't really be bothered about anything serious. The only two serious things that I still feel super semangat to do is the visa and the medical checkup. Lately I've been watching Avatar a lot on my laptop and taking long naps. It's bugging me that I only have the first half of the second season and one of the episodes in the first season can't be played. What great concerns I have. I know its bad and I keep thinking of the very unwise quote from John Lennon:

Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted.

I love John Lennon and may he rest in peace but that is just a very lousy quote. Though maybe I can afford to do that when I become a multimillionaire. But for now it would be wise to discard such thoughts...or at least to push it aside. Ha-ha.

Another thing, I cannot wait for my current program to be over with (by mid-late June I suppose!) so I can begin with my pre-departure plans. Tentative details shall not be disclosed here for several reasons. I'm just looking forward to having a great time before leaving. Yep.

Bordering hedonistic-ism indeed.

Monday, May 14, 2007


It's been months since I read a real book. You know the ones with prologues and epilogues. Dang I miss them lots and lots. Plus I'm really tired of reading short stories because of time constraints (real and imagined). With the crazy timetables down the drain and external exams over, the time has finally come for me to revive my book-reading streaks of the past.

Top candidates

A must for any self-respecting Tolkien fan.

My long-lost book...found!

I would love to read this but it's virtually impossible to find it around here...

July reading slot. Nuff said.

Of course, I'm always open to any other suggestions.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Not Kim Possible's Rufus

Rufus Wainwright - Going to a Town

Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos

I'm going to a town that has already been burnt down
I'm going to a place that has already been disgraced
I'm gonna see some folks who have already been let down
I'm so tired of America

I'm gonna make it up for all of The Sunday Times
I'm gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes
They never really seem to want to tell the truth
I'm so tired of you, America

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I've got a life to lead, America
I've got a life to lead

Tell me, do you really think you go to hell for having loved?
Tell me, enough of thinking everything that you've done is good
I really need to know, after soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood
I'm so tired of America

I really need to know
I may just never see you again, or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I'm going to a town that has already been burnt down
I'm so tired of you, America

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I've got a life to lead, America
I've got a life to lead
I got a soul to feed
I got a dream to heed
And that's all I need

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I'm going to a town
That has already been burnt down

Lyrics from here

Blogger's block

Nothing much is happening. Nyeh.

So probably not going to write anything but I'll still be posting :)

Friday, May 4, 2007