just cost me 8 whole marks on my calculus test =(
For mature and/or like-minded readers regardless of age, sex or color
Monday just started 40 minutes ago and my weekend was purely full of bumming. Hell I only started on some work about three hours ago. Let's see what I did for about three days..
Morning - spaced out/studied for calculus test
Afternoon - calculus test/internet/crapped on the blog
Night - long dinner/american idol (lol)/the oc
Morning - long breakfast/read two newspapers
Afternoon - Sims2
Night - ate great japanese food/bought a book
Morning - jogged/ate at mamak stall
Afternoon - star wars episode 5/browsed through tons of youtube videos
Night - packed for college/did some calculus
Not too bad.
still yapping at
12:38 AM
Labels: Whims
Just minutes after posting the previous uh post I have just remembered something. About a couple of weeks ago after having a conversation with a male friend of mine on why most porn seems to be just plain degrading to woman and full of machismo crap to feed on male egos, he told me that he's sure there are eroticas for just have to look for it. Being an intrinsically curious person, I googled "erotica for woman" and found a site that have great stories of satisfactory quality. Of course, I checked out one story after another and I was pretty pleased.
Fast-forward to very recently, after installing Mozilla Firefox, I pressed on the little bar where you have the address of the current website and I was completely stunned! Mozilla being more "efficient" than the Internet Explorer had not only the address of the erotica stories I browsed through (which looked very innocent by the way) but they had the freaking title for it that clearly states the nature of the website! Imagine if my dad or little sisters pressed the address bar and see the address in plain sight! Horrifying. I'm still trying to figure it out though. In the mean time, I'm definitely not letting anyone use my account (password protected!). LOL.
still yapping at
10:24 AM
When it comes to shopping, I am an avid participant. Heck I love shopping. Unfortunately however I do have the same drive for shoes, weird ain't it? I find hard to get nice shoes (because most of em are just plain ugly or a little gaudy or simply to girlish). Consequently, I only have three pair of real shoes, one flip-flop, one nice sandals and a couple of heels. Okay maybe thats not exactly a meager amount for the ordinary Joe but hell its too little for a girl. Not to mention my older sister loves to take my shoes and clothes without asking (that's what I call stealing!). She finds it very convenient to wear my things now ever since she lost weight (yup she was what you would call "a lil fat"). But thank goodness I am still skinnier than she is or else she would have grabbed everything away.
Actually the real reason I started talking about shoes it because my one and only nice sandals is freaking broken! A dear friend of mine just had to loose a step and accidentally pull off the nice strap thus making the left sandal stripped off of its sole purpose - to stick on its owner foot. Great eh. But I'm not giving up on hope. I'll try to get my maid (aka superwoman) to fix it.
About the jeans, my mum just got me new pair of Levi's. Unasked! OMG I am spoiled.
P/s: This blog feels like therapy now. Ha-ha.
still yapping at
10:03 AM
Labels: Whims
I guess I got hit by the blog bug thats been plaguing the world. I already had a blog before but that was long gone. I don't think I'm suitable enough to own a blog as first and foremost; I do not speak much, I find it hard to express my feelings and I do not like to offend people for no good reason. Of course I'm not generalizing the very vast and diverse blogger community as heck I'm just crapping to myself. Maybe in a few years one lucky bugger will discover this obscure and anonymous writing of mine and go "Poor girl". Ha-ha.
Well another reason as to why I do not usually feel like writing a blog is because of circumstantials that has made certain things that I like and believe and would love to tell the world about will only risk problems which I do not feel like facing*. Let's just say that we lack civil liberties in certain parts of the globe. I'm not gona elaborate more on this as the time will come when I'll start crapping about how the world is going crazy and why can't these nice gentlemen just kiss and make up.
Dang I'm such an amateur.
*Don't worry I'm not being persecuted or anything. Lol. Heck I'm luckier that most people and quite thankful of it.
still yapping at
6:40 PM
Reading the newspapers daily, observing people, listening to my Windows Media Player playlist, Nordic sensibilities, eating sugary snacks, photography, losing myself in a book, crapping with my 14 year-old sister, good 'ol Malaysian food, partying, discovering great songs/singers/bands, watching good movies, getting high, secularism, general knowledge trivias, traveling, building an epic family tree in Sims2, equal rights for all, furry animals, chocolates (without the nuts please) and of course, discussing people and society with my dad
hot chunky boots*abs*bleached red highlights*upper-ear piercing*Canon EOS 350D*complete set of Lord of the Rings’ OST*driving license*perform The Vagina Monologues*red iPod Nano*snowman*Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie*crowd-surf*red hot cheongsam top*black
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