A post to oneself
I guess I got hit by the blog bug thats been plaguing the world. I already had a blog before but that was long gone. I don't think I'm suitable enough to own a blog as first and foremost; I do not speak much, I find it hard to express my feelings and I do not like to offend people for no good reason. Of course I'm not generalizing the very vast and diverse blogger community as heck I'm just crapping to myself. Maybe in a few years one lucky bugger will discover this obscure and anonymous writing of mine and go "Poor girl". Ha-ha.
Well another reason as to why I do not usually feel like writing a blog is because of circumstantials that has made certain things that I like and believe and would love to tell the world about will only risk problems which I do not feel like facing*. Let's just say that we lack civil liberties in certain parts of the globe. I'm not gona elaborate more on this as the time will come when I'll start crapping about how the world is going crazy and why can't these nice gentlemen just kiss and make up.
Dang I'm such an amateur.
*Don't worry I'm not being persecuted or anything. Lol. Heck I'm luckier that most people and quite thankful of it.
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