Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In with the world, out with the pigeon hole

Times are changing. But essentially individuals, I believe, do not really change. There will always be me in me and you in you. Surroundings, peers, jobs/schools, cars may change but a person's essence can never really change.

You may ask why am I being philosophical (oh so suddenly)? I guess as I am beginning to see that my 16 years of life at home sweet home, however nice and comforting, is not the only thing the world has to offer. Yes it took me that long to realize. Not to mention having spend my 17th year in a very very eye opening place (regardless of my countless criticisms) has really define who I am as a person. Especially after being able to meet many people from the rest of the country this past 1 to 2 years (Shah Alam, Klang and Gombak included – yes I was in a freakin pigeon hole!) has actually consolidate my thoughts and my essence. For the first time I could actually grasp a sense of me and what being me means. Of course that includes accepting and embracing all my idiosyncrasies. Funny how a change of surroundings do to you.

However I have yet to discover what I'm truly good at. I'm not a fan of mediocrity (though I feel like I am) but on the bright side, I'm starting to feel the activist in me! I'm seriously contemplating adding a major (plus my civil) that's somewhere along the lines of political science. I want to understand human beings =B

Home will always be home. The times I’ve spent there, the things that I have learned there and all the silly/weird/high/happy/illegal/sad memories of Subang will forever be etched =D
Three more days to home. Hahah.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kuih lapis

They're a lil fudgy and soft.

They're pleasantly sweet and tingly to the taste buds.

They have a beautiful (almost mystical!) texture created by the many heavenly layers.

They're to die for.

Thanks girl. Yum yum ;P

Monday, February 19, 2007

The delusional being

A delusional being has just called me berisi and was surprised at my apparent weight. By the way this same delusional being loves to gleefully litters the plastic casing of her newly bought box of lung killers (ciggies) and other crap that may be of eyesore out of her car and onto the forbidden road. Truly a case of civic conscience-ness down the drain.

Yes I am that sensitive.

Reminiscing the good ol' days...and contemplating what is to come to pass

Yesterday night my dad took out the old tapes he had of me and my sisters when we were teeny weeny. As usual, whenever my dad does this I'll be the most excited (yes I'm a sucker for this) and of course I stayed to watch the whole thing with my parents. Looking at myself I thought ohmygoodness I haven't changed at all have I?! I was pretty much silent through out except when I was laughing, showing off or when I had to ask a question. My expressions were pretty much the same as well (ha-ha). And I sounded like a boy. The only thing that was changing throughout is the depth/length/texture of my hair (and not to mention, my dad's too lol).

Now I feel old. Yes yes I'm probably younger by months than you people who might be reading but y'know looking at myself playing with my belly button whilst drinking milk from a baby bottle oblivious to everything else and comparing that to now makes me feel old. But I want to be old(er) - to make something of myself, give back to the world and live life to the fullest. Yes I want it all (money, career, people who care, connections and basically turning my ideals and beliefs into a reality) though I'm not too sure about the idea of a baby exiting through my passageway.

By the way, the thought of leaving in mere months to another country (though a great country) makes me a little scared. Like come on, a few oceans will be between me and the people I care about. Skary. Even though this is like what I have always wanted to do, I have never actually thought about how it would be like leaving. Leaving behind everything that has shaped how I am today to a place foreign and unfamiliar. To think that just a year ago I thought the only thing I would miss here is the food (how shallow!). Now the realities of leaving are starting to creep in...

Note to self: This is what I want. This is what I want. This is what I want.

If you never leave your home and carve your own path, it's like reading a book and never going pass the first page.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gypsy punk!

Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple

Great stuff I tell ya.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

phm tk sy ckp cm ni?

tlg bgthu kt (insert name)

The seemingly random letters above in bold are actually words. Can't see it? Or maybe it's just me who takes a while to decipher such technologically advanced form of communication. Or maybe my proficiency in Malay isn't really up to par. I don't know really. Call me old-fashioned (or nerdy) but I love spelling out all the letters properly, checking my grammar and putting the apostrophe where it should be. But I do admit that I feel more comfortable loosing out a couple of consonants here and there when I type in Malay. Tak nak bunyi pelik. But certainly not to the degree of the above "phrase".

Tolong bagitahu dekat (insert name)

Just discovered the joy of Google Earth (omg damn cool-lah)...lol...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Connectivity baby

Oh yes after two super long days without the internet, I turned on my laptop again with the same glimmer of hope I had the last few times. Not really expecting anything (really) I made the excuse that I want to listen to my playlist while doing calculus. A few minutes past as I wait for my laptop to load I notice the dreaded Limited or no connectivity bubble was not appearing. Hmm...interesting. As customary, I clicked on Mozilla and tadaa! there was MSN Malaysia. Yippie baby. Muahahaha....

Oh yea here's a lil dose of bigotry for you!

As you know the much loved Valentine's Day is coming up. Though I have never had the pleasure of actually feeling the love on this so called V-day I think it's cool thing. Basically I think it's a good way of breaking the relationship routine most people end up doing and gives a certain spice to the mix from the rest of the 364 days of the year. Somewhat.
And here comes in the silly people who actually took the trouble to photocopy, cut out, and distribute this little notice condemning V-day to practically all the apartments in the university. It alleges that a certain ulama who was not named says with (anonymous) authority that V-day is haram. Classic. I've even heard this bullshit that you can't even say Happy Valentine's Day because Valentine was a "priest" of some sort a few hundred years ago thus making you guilty of idolatry. Poor guy.

Silly people trying in vain to quell the love. It never works.

Why can't they distribute little notices condemning violence? Injustice? Polarization? Drugs maybe? At least those poor trees would be sacrificed for something nobler.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The fussy eater

As most people who have spent considerable amount of time around me would know, I am a fussy eater. I don't like my chocolates to have nuts. I don't like sirap. I don't eat greens. I pick at my food for "aliens" (taugeh and onions are the main culprit) - I have spent more than half an hour excavating a plate of mee goreng. I hate pineapples. I don't like yellow lauk/kuah. I hate mushy rice, porridge is the worst. The only Raya food I eat is lemang and rendang. Oh and I don't like those multiple course chinese dinner.

And of course the list goes on.

Well partly because of the reason above and partly because I have burned my cash, for the past thirty hours or so the collective total of what I have eaten would equal to a single meal for the average 18 year old guy.

  • 1 french toast bread
  • 1 scrambled egg
  • half a nasi lemak
  • 7 Kitkat bars
  • 1 slice of cake
To make matter worst, I have no idea what to eat for lunch as I am in no mood for rice or McDonalds. Five minutes ago my mum called me and said the roti canai I wanted was not available. Great.

By the way, my tummy has finally grumbled after thirty odd hours of silence. Maybe I'll have the new Maggi Kari Meletus for the sake of eating. Then I'll have ice-cream.

Should I be worried? Hmm...

Currently trying to figure out how one would start a research paper on alkali metals...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Current, I = nevA

My carelessness and tendency to think too much has done it again. This time it might have cost me ten whole marks for my Physics test. First of all, I spent 20 minutes on the first (out of five) questions. Ok life goes on. Then came the fourth question. I forgot to do four marks worth of answers. Really really stupid. Then there was approximately five minutes left for the last question. Fine. Finished the first part. Great. I looked at the second part. Find the current density. Current? What current? Current as in sekarang? The lecturer is announcing that the time has run out and it's time to return the answer sheets. Ok this question doesn't make sense. Hell just pass it up. And so I did. Thirty seconds later...FUCK. Current is Arus or simply I. Goddammit I. I=nevA. Current=electrons per meter cube X charge of electron X drift speed X Area. Yup that one. (I discovered about the fourth question soon after). Great. Just great. I fucked the two easiest questions.

Very memorable. Very.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Guess what. Two minutes of contemplation. That's all it takes for me to decide that I'm off this anonymous/crapping to self blog streak. I'm not even going to delete/edit anything (I think so-lah).

Better continue studying for the exam tomorrow. Yikes.


I seriously feel like making this blog un-anonymous. I want feedbacks dammit! Haha. But then I have to delete some stuff that may be derogatory to some and embarassing to me. Lol the price you have to pay. We'll see-lah.

Monday, February 5, 2007

A couple of short stories to read

Salman Rushdie's

At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers
Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella of Spain Consummate Their Relationship
(Santa Fe, AD 1492)

from East, West


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Of baseless accusations and stupidity

Why can some people be so stupid and presumptuous? To me, anyone is free to criticize anyone else but please please never ever with at least a teensy bit of substantial facts to back up what ever is said.

For example this commotion on Barack Obama being in an extremist religious school when he was 7. People's prejudice can be disgusting. Just because it's in Indonesia so it has to be Al-Qaeda. What bugs me the most was when I came across one of Obama's videos on YouTube. There was quite a number of people giving their comments. One of them just shouts hey I'm stupid AND ignorant!!. This fella was asking what kind of a name is Obama. He was like only Muslims have names like Obama. He goes on saying that Kenyans (Obama's dad is Kenyan) are Muslims which explains the "horrendous" state of the continent (I'm not sure which continent he's talking about). Thus he concluded that Obama is Muslim thus does no deserve to becom president.
How stupid can one be? Barack Obama is not Muslim. He's a Christian. Kenya is not a Muslim country. It's a predominantly Christian nation. DOHHH. People can be reallly stupid.

Another stupidity was one of those chain mails that people just love to send. I was surprised this particular one was forwarded quite a few times. According to the author of the chain mail, Coke and Pepsi are dangerous for you because it causes impotence. The "best" part is yet to come. Then it goes on saying it's an Israeli propaganda to make everyone in the world "sterilized". Apparently that is why "Coke and Pepsi are not sold in Israel". Anyone with at least half a brain can see this is a poorly imagined hate proliferate-tor email. It goes on concluding that this is why the Jews are evil and we should boycott this impotent-making colas. I pity and abhor everyone who forwarded the stupid email. (I sent the sender who gave me the tasteless email a little polite message to put some sense in her head.

Make love. Not war.

Seriously I'd rather people start having sex in public than hearing ominous news everyday of lives shattered, homes destroyed, shops attacked, loved ones kidnapped and people killing each other over "beliefs".

Secularism rocks.