Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Connectivity baby

Oh yes after two super long days without the internet, I turned on my laptop again with the same glimmer of hope I had the last few times. Not really expecting anything (really) I made the excuse that I want to listen to my playlist while doing calculus. A few minutes past as I wait for my laptop to load I notice the dreaded Limited or no connectivity bubble was not appearing. Hmm...interesting. As customary, I clicked on Mozilla and tadaa! there was MSN Malaysia. Yippie baby. Muahahaha....

Oh yea here's a lil dose of bigotry for you!

As you know the much loved Valentine's Day is coming up. Though I have never had the pleasure of actually feeling the love on this so called V-day I think it's cool thing. Basically I think it's a good way of breaking the relationship routine most people end up doing and gives a certain spice to the mix from the rest of the 364 days of the year. Somewhat.
And here comes in the silly people who actually took the trouble to photocopy, cut out, and distribute this little notice condemning V-day to practically all the apartments in the university. It alleges that a certain ulama who was not named says with (anonymous) authority that V-day is haram. Classic. I've even heard this bullshit that you can't even say Happy Valentine's Day because Valentine was a "priest" of some sort a few hundred years ago thus making you guilty of idolatry. Poor guy.

Silly people trying in vain to quell the love. It never works.

Why can't they distribute little notices condemning violence? Injustice? Polarization? Drugs maybe? At least those poor trees would be sacrificed for something nobler.

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