Tuesday, September 18, 2007


...i've just moved to HERE!

If you're still not getting it, press here or here or here!

That should do it!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bon Voyage

This is for Amanda who have been bugging me to update this blog ;P

It doesn't feel real...yet. Long flight awaits!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cheers Beer

A series of super hilarious Thai beer advertisements. Watch it.

To every little good thing in life indeed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dynamitez: Synchronized Champs

As some of you might know already, Dynamitez won Cheer 2007. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to see them perform properly (well, except when they performed again after winning but I was busy taking photographs) to realize how god-damn-freaking synchronized they were until I saw this video. Seriously they were like robots, dancing acrobatic robots. Cheers to them!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Cheer 2007

Both Vulcanz teams (boys and girls) got into the Top 5! Yay Seafield! And congrats to Dynamitez!


For more photos check out my Flickr account!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan performing at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, WI.
Original photo from shifting pixel

As I was looking through Facebook, I realized how a few people put Sufjan Stevens under their favorite music. Being naturally curious, I checked him out YouTube. There I saw a couple of live performances by him of Chicago and The Transfiguration. His simple ingenuity blown me away. Plus he has a super natural-sexy-ness aura, haha. I loved when he introduced himself in The Transfiguration video,
"My name is Sufjan Stevens. And for tonight I'm going to be the um, majesty songbird and they (the band) are the magical Chinese butterfly brigade."
By the way, they (as in everyone on stage) were wearing their respective wings to add to the mood. I would definitely love the chance to see one of his shows live. Brilliant artists never ever come to Malaysia. However I had a shock when I saw one of his CDs at Rock Corner! About RM60 though and according to the shop's manager, these types of CDs only arrive barely twice a year and only once at a time! I however decided that I should wait for America and let some other fortunate soul buy the CD.

I'm still waiting for Rufus' Release The Stars.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


...it's over and done with.

Now I have less than 2 months to savor my time here. Driving license, piano, reading, shopping and going out will be the order of the day!

But don't think I'm not going to add anything on my blog today. Let us see the difference between a
suntan and a sunburn.

sun·tan [suhn-tan] noun, verb, -tanned, -tan·ning.
1.a browning or a brown color of the skin resulting from exposure to sunlight or a sunlamp; tan.
2.Also called mayfair tan, merida. a light to medium yellow-brown.
3.Also called pastel orange. a medium orange color.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
4.tan1 (defs. 2, 4).

[suhn-burn] noun, verb, -burned or -burnt, -burn·ing. –noun
1.inflammation of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun or a sunlamp.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
2.to affect or be affected with sunburn: An hour in the sun sunburned me severely. I sunburn easily.

See the difference? Malaysians with brown (or tanned) skin, love yourself!

Your skin isn't "burned" by the sun. In fact brown skin is less likely to burn, thanks to a healthy dose of melanin. Beauty comes in all colors, and I say brown is super sexy. Down with whitening products people. They don't even whiten your face.

And finally, stop saying you have sunburn. Wrong vocabulary, wrong attitude.

---Both words were taken from Dictionary.com

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Sometime last year...
...I accidentally locked myself out of my room at the university. The key was unfortunately inside. Having missed the deadline for requesting an extra key, I had to sleep in a friend's room with the shirt that was on my back since morning but thank goodness I managed to change into my shorts before the accidental lock out. I kept my cool. I planned to go to the office in the morning to ask for the master key.
However the next morning, as I enter the office with yesterday's clothes, the lady behind the table suddenly told me firmly yet irrationally that I was to step back and leave the office. She said I shouldn't be wearing shorts. I was bemused. Reflex had me explaining that I was locked out of my room and I couldn't actually "change" to something more "proper". Unfortunately, the lady was adamant that her instructions were absolute and that I was to leave the office and get "someone who is dressed properly" to pick up the master key for me. I couldn't believe to what was happening and left the office with her in mid-sentence. I was pissed. R-rated tirades escaped under my breath for several minutes before I nicely ask my house mate to help me get the master key.
Simply, the incident shocked me. Here I am at the girls only apartment where any male who looks under the age 35 is barred from coming in. I was shocked and disappointed by the lady and the university for being so stupid and irrational. Like hello, I can't even where shorts within the vicinity of a girls only "haven"? Is the sight of my knees so repulsive the lady wanted to puke her head off? Hoit this is a living space, not a formal dinner or a kenduri for that matter.

Fast forward to this week...
...I was temporarily living at the boy's apartment for the little camp thingy. The day we were suppose to check out, my house mate told me that we were suppose to give back the keys before the office closes at about five something. My dad was coming at seven and I wanted the room so that I can have my much-needed sleep. Because I had just woken up from a nap when I was told about this, I just put on my t-shirt and shorts without much thought. I went down and walked to the office. I explained the matter to the officer. He told me nicely that it was OK and that I can stay longer if I wanted to. I was only required to leave the key on the table of my apartment and lock the door outside. I was contented and I left the office to continue my nap.
Waking up later, I realized the sheer irony.

Medieval minds
(in this case, just the lady in the first story)

Double standards

Arbitrary rules

Don't get me started with the tones extra amenities and better furniture the boys have.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I wonder what the reaction be if it was the other way around.

Clearly I am not living in a free country. I abhor the act of "forcing" someone to believe in what he or she does not believe. It never works. It's unnatural.

Malaysia rejects Christian appeal

The crime of apostasy

Monday, May 21, 2007


Babysitting at the expense of me spending the weekend at home
We the PPOU students were "coerced into volunteering"(what a paradox!) for a camp meant for high school kids next week on Monday. Apparently I, along with the rest of us have to become facilitators. In order for us to become decent facilitators, we're suppose to undergo a weekend of training (yes from Friday till Sunday!). This translates into me not being able to spend my ritualistic weekly communion at my humble abode which of course happens to coincide with "the training". And because the girls will be living at the boys' apartments, I will have to live without the precious internet I have learned to take for granted for six whole days. By the way we are not getting paid for this. This is what some may call neo-volunteering. Oh wait, quasi-volunteering would be more precise.

PS: According to the timetable of the camp thing, there was a slot for brainwashing. Prepare for the waterworks. I for once have never fallen for any stupid brainwashing camp activities designed to "menginsafkan" innocent kids. I do not cry for pure shallow fiction.

Unforeseen midterm timetable change
As is the norm with this batch of PPOU, even exam dates cannot be determined properly. Heck we weren't even sure if there would be a midterm (because physics' midterm was indeed canceled). Thus the fuss now is only about calculus which was suppose to be held next Monday (yes the camp thing above starts on Monday). Apparently our lecturer has given in to the PPOU program's request of changing that particular date. And he chose to drop the bomb on us by saying that the midterm will indeed be put forward to this Friday. With the way I spent last weekend at home, I practically shot myself in the foot. To top of that, now I can't even spend a freaking night at home for at least eleven whole days because of this and the brainwashing camp. How very nice indeed.

Join it now here! Super addictive.

It's all in the mind

I think too much.
I space out a lot.
I laze around often.
I do not have a social life 90% of the time.
I make excuses to myself.
I can be timid.
I do not know what I'm good at.
Apparently my English is better than my Math...I found out about it a little too late.
I wish I was a little bit more talkative.
I have conversations in my head.
I hardly ever truly click with anyone.

They say you are what you think you are.
It's all in the mind. Oh yes it is.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bordering hedonistic-ism

I can't help it. With everything set in August I feel very whimsical and can't really be bothered about anything serious. The only two serious things that I still feel super semangat to do is the visa and the medical checkup. Lately I've been watching Avatar a lot on my laptop and taking long naps. It's bugging me that I only have the first half of the second season and one of the episodes in the first season can't be played. What great concerns I have. I know its bad and I keep thinking of the very unwise quote from John Lennon:

Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted.

I love John Lennon and may he rest in peace but that is just a very lousy quote. Though maybe I can afford to do that when I become a multimillionaire. But for now it would be wise to discard such thoughts...or at least to push it aside. Ha-ha.

Another thing, I cannot wait for my current program to be over with (by mid-late June I suppose!) so I can begin with my pre-departure plans. Tentative details shall not be disclosed here for several reasons. I'm just looking forward to having a great time before leaving. Yep.

Bordering hedonistic-ism indeed.

Monday, May 14, 2007


It's been months since I read a real book. You know the ones with prologues and epilogues. Dang I miss them lots and lots. Plus I'm really tired of reading short stories because of time constraints (real and imagined). With the crazy timetables down the drain and external exams over, the time has finally come for me to revive my book-reading streaks of the past.

Top candidates

A must for any self-respecting Tolkien fan.

My long-lost book...found!

I would love to read this but it's virtually impossible to find it around here...

July reading slot. Nuff said.

Of course, I'm always open to any other suggestions.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Not Kim Possible's Rufus

Rufus Wainwright - Going to a Town

Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos

I'm going to a town that has already been burnt down
I'm going to a place that has already been disgraced
I'm gonna see some folks who have already been let down
I'm so tired of America

I'm gonna make it up for all of The Sunday Times
I'm gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes
They never really seem to want to tell the truth
I'm so tired of you, America

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I've got a life to lead, America
I've got a life to lead

Tell me, do you really think you go to hell for having loved?
Tell me, enough of thinking everything that you've done is good
I really need to know, after soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood
I'm so tired of America

I really need to know
I may just never see you again, or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I'm going to a town that has already been burnt down
I'm so tired of you, America

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I've got a life to lead, America
I've got a life to lead
I got a soul to feed
I got a dream to heed
And that's all I need

Making my own way home, ain't gonna be alone
I'm going to a town
That has already been burnt down

Lyrics from here

Blogger's block

Nothing much is happening. Nyeh.

So probably not going to write anything but I'll still be posting :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don't curb students' enthusiasm

An article I thought everyone should read. From NST a few months ago.

Zainah Anwar (NST 09 Feb 2007)

Don't curb students' enthusiasm

OUR students in the UK are, oh, so shy, so unassertive, they keep to themselves, they don’t mix? I am surprised that the Minister of Higher Education is surprised. This is not a new problem.

When I was studying in the US in the 1970s and 1980s, there were "kampung Melayus" sprouting on campuses in several universities in the Midwest. Friends complained of surveillance, peer pressure and anonymous letters slipped under their doors or sent home to the Public Service Department by fellow students if they were seen to be too close to too many Americans.

Even in Indonesia, our students don’t mix. A friend teaching at the Islamic University in Jogjakarta says the Malaysian students on her campus are so totally unassertive and disinterested and pursue the easiest of courses taught by the easiest of lecturers.

They avoid the many discussion groups that flourish on and off campus which bring together students and activists to discuss the latest books, ideas and debate on current issues. They would not take part in the many training sessions on human rights, democracy and women’s rights.

Actually, we the taxpayers are not getting value for the millions of our tax money spent on scholarship for these students who might as well remain in Malaysia if they only want to be "jaguh kampung".

Our young adults are losing out in a competitive world that is hungry for talent. In the end, it is Malaysia that will lose out.

In 1980, I wrote about racial polarisation on our university campuses and how some of the bright and articulate students I interviewed at the University of Malaya called it the Pantai Valley High School.

It was not the exciting, enriching university life they envisaged, but a life restricted and regulated by the Universities and University Colleges Act. In school, they had freedom to write letters to whomever they pleased, be it to make a school visit to a factory or a palace museum.

Imagine their shock when they found out that at university, all letters needed to go through the Dean of Student Affairs. And they were often reminded lest they were hatching rebellions, any unauthorised gathering of more than five constituted an offence. How to be assertive?

And the racial polarisation; everywhere on campus Malay students were with Malays, Chinese with Chinese and Indians with Indians — be it at the canteen, at the library, walking the streets from class to hostel and back.

The students spoke of how they were corralled into racial blocs by their seniors the moment they stepped into campus.

Woe betide those who stepped out of the box. An anonymous letter would be slipped under their door "condemning" them to hellfire and damnation.

My editor was so shocked by my findings that he decided not to publish the story. It does look that after 26 years, nothing much has changed.

When I recently told this story to a professor at the University of Malaya, she said she would be so lucky today to find a student astute enough to even make a remark about a campus life that is more akin to secondary school.

Most days, she says, she feels like pulling up her students by their collars to breathe life into them.

So dear minister, they are, oh, so shy, so unassertive, so not mixing with others on home ground as well. And it’s been going on for over two decades.

There is obvious awareness and concern by the country’s leadership that much has gone wrong with our education system, our socialisation and politicisation that have produced these unassertive, inarticulate, intellectually and socially disengaged, racially segregated and unemployable graduates.

Much hope is placed on the recently launched National Education Blueprint and its many promises, including the promise to produce well rounded students who will think out of the box.

A friend runs a programme that exposes students to literature, music, art, critical thinking and public speaking before they spend more of their parents’ hard-earned money to study abroad.

These are straight A students, whose parents woke up one day to realise that darling Johan and Janine who scored 11 A1s in SPM actually lack the cultural literacy necessary to succeed and get the best out of university education in the West.

My friend and her team of trainers were stunned that these students did not know a single fairy tale. An exercise to rewrite Hansel and Gretel from the witch’s point of view drew a blank; when asked if they knew other fairy tales, they did not. They had not heard of Winston Churchill even though they all got A1 for history.

They had never seen nor met a person in a wheelchair; they had never been to an art gallery or a museum, in spite of living in Kuala Lumpur and enjoying annual holidays abroad. One boy was passionate about studying aviation engineering and wanted to own an airline, but had never heard of Tony Fernandes.

Life for these kids revolved around school, tuition, shopping malls and computer games. What they did not know, they felt they didn’t need to know.

And yet, they wanted to go to Cambridge or Stanford and wanted to do well in their interviews and essays; but they had nothing much to say about themselves and their interests beyond the string of A1s for which they were rewarded and their parents applauded. Eleven A1s and not an ounce of zest to spare does not a successful life make.

At the other end of the scale, I do meet students and young people who are far from shy and disengaged. They have friends from different races and different countries, they read voraciously, they go to museums, concerts, plays, they backpack to the islands off Malaysia and Thailand and through God-forsaken countries of the world, they listen to world music, they speak their minds.

I meet young university students who dare to organise events outside the campuses, campaigning against the UUCA and dirty student elections, giving free tuition to squatter kids, cooking free food for the homeless, hanging out with non-governmental organisation activists and theatre practitioners.

These young people live their lives to the full, ever teetering on a fine balance between family, friends, fun and studies or a budding career of their choice.

What makes them different? For some, it might be class, but for most others, it is exposure.

Whether growing up in a family that eats, reads and talks together, or getting exposed to the works of Alice Walker and Maya Angelou in English class, or having a lecturer who loves the theatre and drags his students to all the plays in KL, or meeting an inspiring aging ex-student leader who wanted to join the university social club but ended up in the socialist club.

By design or by accident, it is exposure to adults who opened up their minds to other possibilities in life that made a difference to the lives of these effervescent young people.

A friend’s 15-year-old daughter complained how the teachers at school (a premier school, mind you) say no to everything suggested by the students — be it to organise a talentime (what would parents say if you kids wear sexy clothes), a Halloween party with the neighbourhood children (oh no, it’s Western culture), dance and music classes (cannot, must "jaga diri"), regular field trips to museums, orphanages, school for the blind (too many permissions to ask, forms to fill and transport to organise).

That many of the shy, unassertive students and young graduates have potential is without doubt.

The tragedy is we adults have failed them as we pour cold water over their ideas or just remain indifferent to their natural instinct to explore, discover, innovate, take risks, be different. It is our fault because we shut the doors and windows on them.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Note to self

Everyone is a potential ass.

Deal with it.

I'm incredibly sensitive. Ha-ha.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Colors (yes I have converted to American spellings)

Whether you're red, blue, green or purple it does not matter. We may have different parents and different values but in the end, all the colors of the rainbow will always turn to white. So stop prescribing and assuming that if one is green, one can only do green things. To think that red is red and that's why they can "do" the things they "do" but at the same time balk in disgust when green do the same thing just says "I'm bigoted and ignorant!". You may think it's your duty to save all your greens from the gates of helldom but hey! aren't the reds just like any other color too? Don't we all come from the same place? We never chose to be red, blue, green or purple. To say green is supreme and all green is right (provided they behave) and the others are to be condemned if they do not "become" green just does not make sense to me.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Doesn't that look nice together?

Got worked up after reading a blog post. I hope I made sense.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Piercing pending

I shall have a piercing on my upper left ear within these two weeks! My dad has technically given me the liberty to choose about a month ago.

Pa hypothetically, can I have a piercing kat sini? *points at the upper ear*
*little sarcastic snigger* If you ask me, of course tak boleh...but I can't force you out of it. Iya decide sendiri.
Ohhh...okayyy...*starts plotting*

Haha he is so going to be shocked.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mika I Like

You people probably

  • already love him!
  • have only seen his Grace Kelly video
  • have only an inkling of who he is
  • have no clue who he is!
Well he's a Lebanese musician who is half American and based in the UK. Basically he's a musical genius whose music have been compared to Queen, Elton John and even Rufus Wainwright! Ok I'm currently in love with him. Yes he may be gay but hell he is good. His songs are probably the most original in the 21st century pop music. Yes he's that original and good, I'm actually listening to pop music. Well at least, his pop music.

I'm not going to make anyone listen to him but I just had to let it out. But hey if you love him too, yay! If you think he sucks, it's your loss!

Picture from mikasounds.com

Check out his live video on my YouTube Favorites sidebar!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Einstein & Faith

The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense, and in this sense only, I am a devoutly religious man.

I'm not an atheist. I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.

From the TIME Magazine's article: Einstein & Faith

Friday, April 6, 2007

Words of wisdom

Well I only have three.

If you're tired of watching paint dry, try watching cheese mold
random internet user's opinion on a 24-hour live telecast of cheese, well, becoming cheese

An idle mind is the devil's workshop
reason a lecturer gave to stop me from constantly shaking my legs

And my favorite,
I don't want moss growing on my ass
good friend on toilet hygiene

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

In my own universe

The fact that I'll be leaving in mere months have made myself a little bit out of touch, distant or whatever you call it. My thinking mode has gone over drive and I feel lazier. Its like whatever I do here won't really result in anything permanent. The thought of having to come back to college for a "special" semester in April just suck really. Why oh why do I have to come back when it really doesn't matter anymore? Past scholars here who went to the US didn't have to come back for two months of class. Ok now I'm just complaining. But I do feel like floating around and just live for the moment. Even at college sometimes I can't be bothered to socialize properly when hey I won't probably see you ever again in four years! (Don't take this to heart people, I've made good friends and you know who you are but I don't know if you people realize that I can be asocial at times, lol) Seriously though!

Illini update
Well this past week has been dominated by talk about housing, meal plans, visa and the Monday trip. I guess the Tiga Sekawan trio (Me-Aidil-Faruq) will be a reality! Haha I'm glad we'll be spending our "golden years" together in Illinois. LOL. Not to mention another 10 years after that. Hahah. We'll be true soulmates. We even have a business plan to promote Malaysia's fine gourmet. Faruq will be the comedian teh tarik maker, Aidil the model-cashier-dhal maker and me the roti canai and cendol quasi-chef. Cendol only available during winter. USD 1 for teh tarik, USD 3 for roti canai (this is gourmet baby). Cendol price TBC. That's to be confirmed. Lol. Now that is lame. (Just the last part. The plan is flawless.) Love you guys!

Nanti kite tebuk lubang kat lantai! Boleh nampak Mar!
For what? Nak buat phone line?

Boleh jugak.

Oit local calls are free lah.

Sorry for any misquote. That's how I remembered it. Hehehe.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Last days of semester 2

Guess what its the finals. I've got a calculus test tomorrow afternoon and here I am blogging happily. I realized that time do fly really fast and the end of semester two is approaching. It was just a few months ago I was in utter misery with 50 hour weeks (correct me if I'm wrong), piano lessons and uncertainty over if I was even going to fly!

But as I will be 17.3 years old in a matter of days, things are certainly a lot better with a lighter class load and of course the end of semester two.

I shall be looking forward to guiltless me time during the 3 week holiday even though I'll be studying for the AP tests that will be held in the beginning of special semester. I'll try to follow Amanda's plan that includes becoming a slave to the AP book whilst maintaining me time. Haha. And of course I'll have to start polishing on my piano if I'm going to ace (i mean pass) the ABRSM's grade 8. Not to mention I should also (finally) start on my driving so that I can drive the Nissan or maybe even the Honda. Haha its plausible though. The last but not the least of my holiday plans is to get fit. Lol but seriously though. I'll make myself jog every morning or something.

Four months and one week.

Four months and one week then bye bye to tropical weather and great cheap food and hello to seasonal wardrobes and central heaters!

Additional crapping - Looking forward to study in Obama's state (LOL). It might not be a fancy private university, but hell its number one for civil engineering. Plus my parents went to the same state to study when they were younger. My dad is even planning to get his college buddy to get me a good deal with a second hand car (yay! if he's serious lah). Even my dad is starting to dream.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Time busters

Get to know yourself better test
from Amanda's blog

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Yes I had nothing better to do.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I have only just watched Forrest Gump last Saturday

Yes truly shocking. And yes I went through the gasps, the looks and the chuckles at the fact that I have only just watched the movie less than a week ago.

Well why watch it now while all this while I was ignorant enough to well, ignore the movie?

After a few years in high school listening to a dear friend quoting "Life is like a box of chocolate" and how it was a great movie and how everyone has watched it. I never did actually tried to watch it. In fact I thought she was talking about a totally different movie but only realize a nod to late that we were actually talking about two different movies. I did not tell anyone. Well there was never a need to.

Then I entered a university. My lovely English lecturer was explaining something. She mentioned Forrest Gump and showed her point through the movie. EVERYONE NODDED WITH AGREEMENT. I sat there bewildered. Am I the only one in the whole world who has yet to watch the movie? I stayed silent.

I think to myself, maybe I should watch this movie. Hell go download it. Where I wonder? I wasn't into downloading songs of Limewire or Ares at the time after the computer at home got rebooted twice. So I think nevermind then. I'll think if something.

Early semester two. I finally can access the intranet at the university! Yea! Okay what shall I download first? Ahh how about Forrest Gump? And so I did. Though I never did touch it or even thought about it again after that.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago. Read the news. "Victoria Beckham excited to see Forrest Gump". Or something like that. Apparently she met Tom Hanks. Pause. Hell. Am I the only person who has yet to watch the movie??? I mean even my dad and Victoria Beckham have watched it.

Thus the following week I made the historical move to watch this acclaimed movie on my laptop whilst other people are going ga-ga over the gore fest graphic epic with men clad in underwear fighting for their honor.

And hell that was two hours well spent.

I say it is one of the most beautiful movie I've seen in my entire life.

Tom Hanks that was the best I've seen from you!

Though you suck as Robert Langdon! But I don't really blame you for it, its whoever that picked you should be blamed!

Playing truant

I do not get the whole point of asking people to show up every week just to make them listen to stories with "morals" and/or the never ending black-and-white list of rights and wrongs. Silent nods, happy nods or inquiries for self-betterment are acceptable. But to question or disagree would be an abomination.

To play truant or to play with the fire? Play truant definitely.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


marks my 1st ever motorcycle ride.

Memories of the wind blowing against my hair with my hand permanently gripping the handle behind and the countless utterance of 'ohmyfuckinggod' every time there was a little bumper or corner shall forever be with me.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A rainbow made of ethnic hues

Today's article in New Straits Times. Interesting.

A funny (but completely valid) quote from it:

And what, in the name of all that’s holy, did my race or religion have to do with the purchase of a DVD player?
Yea it might be a little long...but don't be lazy people!

Friday, March 9, 2007

What Would George W Bush Do?

Posted by Picasa

Click here for the original site of the masterpiece.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


for a letter to arrive in the mailbox.

Why oh why is it taking such a long time?

Monday, March 5, 2007


Is there such a phrase as testicular fluids?

I wanted to list down the bodily fluids that may transmit HIV through direct contact but the source listed semen and preseminal liquids separately. Me being particular thought hey that's silly! because minus the teeny differences, aren't they the same thing? Can't I just put testicular fluids like vaginal fluids (which was used by the author of the source)? It's bugging me that I've never seen anyone use that phrase before. I certainly do not want to look like an idiot but goodness the phrase just fits!

Oh ya, I'm doing a research assignment on HIV/AIDS awareness

Technological worries

My thumbdrive has fallen victim to viruses twice in less than a month. Both incidents I suspect came from the same source - the university's library. Just because I print my assignments there. As a result, all (well almost all) are gone. Literally. Not misplaced, not stolen, but simply gone. Thankgoodness this didn't happen when I was doing my university applications.

My family's computer at home on the hand has started to emit a rather foul smell of burning plastic. Though this is the second time it happened in the computer's lifetime, all my beautiful songs/pictures and not to mention my Sims2 memories are in there! Bad bad bad. Maybe it had to do with the thunderstorms that happened the day before...

And finally, my laptop has suddenly become excruciatingly slow. With the thumbdrive and computer at home going haywire...I feel twitchy about the wellbeing of my saved assignments.
Maybe it had to do with me not realizing my lappie was on sleep mode for more than 30 hours...

Comments about the apparent brand of my laptop and my anti virus software are not welcomed =P

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Self musings

  1. I am looking forward to buying real boots to wear =P
  2. The six pm bus driver has once park his bus at the bus stop before leaving confused passengers (well, me to be exact) on a motorcycle nearby only to return 10 to 15 minutes later.
  3. I am possessive of my sugary snacks. The kuih lapis is mine!
  4. I have just realized that I can get annoyed easily.
  5. I can't stand too many girls. I have a bad history with girl packs.
  6. My physics lecturer makes really stupid jokes - "When I talk about field, I am not talking about the paddy field."
  7. There are very few people I can share my interests with. Kinda sad.
  8. I love checking the dictionary to see what a word really means and sometimes I compare the British and American slang (there's audio) when I'm bored...really only when I'm bored...
  9. I am addicted to Sims2. I've made a two of my Sims to give birth to a total of seven boys.
  10. I still hold a dream of reaching 170 cm. LOL. Ok maybe, just maybe 165...


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In with the world, out with the pigeon hole

Times are changing. But essentially individuals, I believe, do not really change. There will always be me in me and you in you. Surroundings, peers, jobs/schools, cars may change but a person's essence can never really change.

You may ask why am I being philosophical (oh so suddenly)? I guess as I am beginning to see that my 16 years of life at home sweet home, however nice and comforting, is not the only thing the world has to offer. Yes it took me that long to realize. Not to mention having spend my 17th year in a very very eye opening place (regardless of my countless criticisms) has really define who I am as a person. Especially after being able to meet many people from the rest of the country this past 1 to 2 years (Shah Alam, Klang and Gombak included – yes I was in a freakin pigeon hole!) has actually consolidate my thoughts and my essence. For the first time I could actually grasp a sense of me and what being me means. Of course that includes accepting and embracing all my idiosyncrasies. Funny how a change of surroundings do to you.

However I have yet to discover what I'm truly good at. I'm not a fan of mediocrity (though I feel like I am) but on the bright side, I'm starting to feel the activist in me! I'm seriously contemplating adding a major (plus my civil) that's somewhere along the lines of political science. I want to understand human beings =B

Home will always be home. The times I’ve spent there, the things that I have learned there and all the silly/weird/high/happy/illegal/sad memories of Subang will forever be etched =D
Three more days to home. Hahah.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kuih lapis

They're a lil fudgy and soft.

They're pleasantly sweet and tingly to the taste buds.

They have a beautiful (almost mystical!) texture created by the many heavenly layers.

They're to die for.

Thanks girl. Yum yum ;P

Monday, February 19, 2007

The delusional being

A delusional being has just called me berisi and was surprised at my apparent weight. By the way this same delusional being loves to gleefully litters the plastic casing of her newly bought box of lung killers (ciggies) and other crap that may be of eyesore out of her car and onto the forbidden road. Truly a case of civic conscience-ness down the drain.

Yes I am that sensitive.

Reminiscing the good ol' days...and contemplating what is to come to pass

Yesterday night my dad took out the old tapes he had of me and my sisters when we were teeny weeny. As usual, whenever my dad does this I'll be the most excited (yes I'm a sucker for this) and of course I stayed to watch the whole thing with my parents. Looking at myself I thought ohmygoodness I haven't changed at all have I?! I was pretty much silent through out except when I was laughing, showing off or when I had to ask a question. My expressions were pretty much the same as well (ha-ha). And I sounded like a boy. The only thing that was changing throughout is the depth/length/texture of my hair (and not to mention, my dad's too lol).

Now I feel old. Yes yes I'm probably younger by months than you people who might be reading but y'know looking at myself playing with my belly button whilst drinking milk from a baby bottle oblivious to everything else and comparing that to now makes me feel old. But I want to be old(er) - to make something of myself, give back to the world and live life to the fullest. Yes I want it all (money, career, people who care, connections and basically turning my ideals and beliefs into a reality) though I'm not too sure about the idea of a baby exiting through my passageway.

By the way, the thought of leaving in mere months to another country (though a great country) makes me a little scared. Like come on, a few oceans will be between me and the people I care about. Skary. Even though this is like what I have always wanted to do, I have never actually thought about how it would be like leaving. Leaving behind everything that has shaped how I am today to a place foreign and unfamiliar. To think that just a year ago I thought the only thing I would miss here is the food (how shallow!). Now the realities of leaving are starting to creep in...

Note to self: This is what I want. This is what I want. This is what I want.

If you never leave your home and carve your own path, it's like reading a book and never going pass the first page.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gypsy punk!

Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple

Great stuff I tell ya.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

phm tk sy ckp cm ni?

tlg bgthu kt (insert name)

The seemingly random letters above in bold are actually words. Can't see it? Or maybe it's just me who takes a while to decipher such technologically advanced form of communication. Or maybe my proficiency in Malay isn't really up to par. I don't know really. Call me old-fashioned (or nerdy) but I love spelling out all the letters properly, checking my grammar and putting the apostrophe where it should be. But I do admit that I feel more comfortable loosing out a couple of consonants here and there when I type in Malay. Tak nak bunyi pelik. But certainly not to the degree of the above "phrase".

Tolong bagitahu dekat (insert name)

Just discovered the joy of Google Earth (omg damn cool-lah)...lol...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Connectivity baby

Oh yes after two super long days without the internet, I turned on my laptop again with the same glimmer of hope I had the last few times. Not really expecting anything (really) I made the excuse that I want to listen to my playlist while doing calculus. A few minutes past as I wait for my laptop to load I notice the dreaded Limited or no connectivity bubble was not appearing. Hmm...interesting. As customary, I clicked on Mozilla and tadaa! there was MSN Malaysia. Yippie baby. Muahahaha....

Oh yea here's a lil dose of bigotry for you!

As you know the much loved Valentine's Day is coming up. Though I have never had the pleasure of actually feeling the love on this so called V-day I think it's cool thing. Basically I think it's a good way of breaking the relationship routine most people end up doing and gives a certain spice to the mix from the rest of the 364 days of the year. Somewhat.
And here comes in the silly people who actually took the trouble to photocopy, cut out, and distribute this little notice condemning V-day to practically all the apartments in the university. It alleges that a certain ulama who was not named says with (anonymous) authority that V-day is haram. Classic. I've even heard this bullshit that you can't even say Happy Valentine's Day because Valentine was a "priest" of some sort a few hundred years ago thus making you guilty of idolatry. Poor guy.

Silly people trying in vain to quell the love. It never works.

Why can't they distribute little notices condemning violence? Injustice? Polarization? Drugs maybe? At least those poor trees would be sacrificed for something nobler.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The fussy eater

As most people who have spent considerable amount of time around me would know, I am a fussy eater. I don't like my chocolates to have nuts. I don't like sirap. I don't eat greens. I pick at my food for "aliens" (taugeh and onions are the main culprit) - I have spent more than half an hour excavating a plate of mee goreng. I hate pineapples. I don't like yellow lauk/kuah. I hate mushy rice, porridge is the worst. The only Raya food I eat is lemang and rendang. Oh and I don't like those multiple course chinese dinner.

And of course the list goes on.

Well partly because of the reason above and partly because I have burned my cash, for the past thirty hours or so the collective total of what I have eaten would equal to a single meal for the average 18 year old guy.

  • 1 french toast bread
  • 1 scrambled egg
  • half a nasi lemak
  • 7 Kitkat bars
  • 1 slice of cake
To make matter worst, I have no idea what to eat for lunch as I am in no mood for rice or McDonalds. Five minutes ago my mum called me and said the roti canai I wanted was not available. Great.

By the way, my tummy has finally grumbled after thirty odd hours of silence. Maybe I'll have the new Maggi Kari Meletus for the sake of eating. Then I'll have ice-cream.

Should I be worried? Hmm...

Currently trying to figure out how one would start a research paper on alkali metals...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Current, I = nevA

My carelessness and tendency to think too much has done it again. This time it might have cost me ten whole marks for my Physics test. First of all, I spent 20 minutes on the first (out of five) questions. Ok life goes on. Then came the fourth question. I forgot to do four marks worth of answers. Really really stupid. Then there was approximately five minutes left for the last question. Fine. Finished the first part. Great. I looked at the second part. Find the current density. Current? What current? Current as in sekarang? The lecturer is announcing that the time has run out and it's time to return the answer sheets. Ok this question doesn't make sense. Hell just pass it up. And so I did. Thirty seconds later...FUCK. Current is Arus or simply I. Goddammit I. I=nevA. Current=electrons per meter cube X charge of electron X drift speed X Area. Yup that one. (I discovered about the fourth question soon after). Great. Just great. I fucked the two easiest questions.

Very memorable. Very.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Guess what. Two minutes of contemplation. That's all it takes for me to decide that I'm off this anonymous/crapping to self blog streak. I'm not even going to delete/edit anything (I think so-lah).

Better continue studying for the exam tomorrow. Yikes.


I seriously feel like making this blog un-anonymous. I want feedbacks dammit! Haha. But then I have to delete some stuff that may be derogatory to some and embarassing to me. Lol the price you have to pay. We'll see-lah.

Monday, February 5, 2007

A couple of short stories to read

Salman Rushdie's

At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers
Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella of Spain Consummate Their Relationship
(Santa Fe, AD 1492)

from East, West


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Of baseless accusations and stupidity

Why can some people be so stupid and presumptuous? To me, anyone is free to criticize anyone else but please please never ever with at least a teensy bit of substantial facts to back up what ever is said.

For example this commotion on Barack Obama being in an extremist religious school when he was 7. People's prejudice can be disgusting. Just because it's in Indonesia so it has to be Al-Qaeda. What bugs me the most was when I came across one of Obama's videos on YouTube. There was quite a number of people giving their comments. One of them just shouts hey I'm stupid AND ignorant!!. This fella was asking what kind of a name is Obama. He was like only Muslims have names like Obama. He goes on saying that Kenyans (Obama's dad is Kenyan) are Muslims which explains the "horrendous" state of the continent (I'm not sure which continent he's talking about). Thus he concluded that Obama is Muslim thus does no deserve to becom president.
How stupid can one be? Barack Obama is not Muslim. He's a Christian. Kenya is not a Muslim country. It's a predominantly Christian nation. DOHHH. People can be reallly stupid.

Another stupidity was one of those chain mails that people just love to send. I was surprised this particular one was forwarded quite a few times. According to the author of the chain mail, Coke and Pepsi are dangerous for you because it causes impotence. The "best" part is yet to come. Then it goes on saying it's an Israeli propaganda to make everyone in the world "sterilized". Apparently that is why "Coke and Pepsi are not sold in Israel". Anyone with at least half a brain can see this is a poorly imagined hate proliferate-tor email. It goes on concluding that this is why the Jews are evil and we should boycott this impotent-making colas. I pity and abhor everyone who forwarded the stupid email. (I sent the sender who gave me the tasteless email a little polite message to put some sense in her head.

Make love. Not war.

Seriously I'd rather people start having sex in public than hearing ominous news everyday of lives shattered, homes destroyed, shops attacked, loved ones kidnapped and people killing each other over "beliefs".

Secularism rocks.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


just cost me 8 whole marks on my calculus test =(

Monday, January 29, 2007

Bummer at heart

Monday just started 40 minutes ago and my weekend was purely full of bumming. Hell I only started on some work about three hours ago. Let's see what I did for about three days..

Morning - spaced out/studied for calculus test
Afternoon - calculus test/internet/crapped on the blog
Night - long dinner/american idol (lol)/the oc

Morning - long breakfast/read two newspapers
Afternoon - Sims2
Night - ate great japanese food/bought a book

Morning - jogged/ate at mamak stall
Afternoon - star wars episode 5/browsed through tons of youtube videos
Night - packed for college/did some calculus

Not too bad.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Just minutes after posting the previous uh post I have just remembered something. About a couple of weeks ago after having a conversation with a male friend of mine on why most porn seems to be just plain degrading to woman and full of machismo crap to feed on male egos, he told me that he's sure there are eroticas for woman...you just have to look for it. Being an intrinsically curious person, I googled "erotica for woman" and found a site that have great stories of satisfactory quality. Of course, I checked out one story after another and I was pretty pleased.
Fast-forward to very recently, after installing Mozilla Firefox, I pressed on the little bar where you have the address of the current website and I was completely stunned! Mozilla being more "efficient" than the Internet Explorer had not only the address of the erotica stories I browsed through (which looked very innocent by the way) but they had the freaking title for it that clearly states the nature of the website! Imagine if my dad or little sisters pressed the address bar and see the address in plain sight! Horrifying. I'm still trying to figure it out though. In the mean time, I'm definitely not letting anyone use my account (password protected!). LOL.

Of sandals and jeans

When it comes to shopping, I am an avid participant. Heck I love shopping. Unfortunately however I do have the same drive for shoes, weird ain't it? I find hard to get nice shoes (because most of em are just plain ugly or a little gaudy or simply to girlish). Consequently, I only have three pair of real shoes, one flip-flop, one nice sandals and a couple of heels. Okay maybe thats not exactly a meager amount for the ordinary Joe but hell its too little for a girl. Not to mention my older sister loves to take my shoes and clothes without asking (that's what I call stealing!). She finds it very convenient to wear my things now ever since she lost weight (yup she was what you would call "a lil fat"). But thank goodness I am still skinnier than she is or else she would have grabbed everything away.
Actually the real reason I started talking about shoes it because my one and only nice sandals is freaking broken! A dear friend of mine just had to loose a step and accidentally pull off the nice strap thus making the left sandal stripped off of its sole purpose - to stick on its owner foot. Great eh. But I'm not giving up on hope. I'll try to get my maid (aka superwoman) to fix it.

About the jeans, my mum just got me new pair of Levi's. Unasked! OMG I am spoiled.

P/s: This blog feels like therapy now. Ha-ha.

Friday, January 26, 2007

A post to oneself

I guess I got hit by the blog bug thats been plaguing the world. I already had a blog before but that was long gone. I don't think I'm suitable enough to own a blog as first and foremost; I do not speak much, I find it hard to express my feelings and I do not like to offend people for no good reason. Of course I'm not generalizing the very vast and diverse blogger community as heck I'm just crapping to myself. Maybe in a few years one lucky bugger will discover this obscure and anonymous writing of mine and go "Poor girl". Ha-ha.
Well another reason as to why I do not usually feel like writing a blog is because of circumstantials that has made certain things that I like and believe and would love to tell the world about will only risk problems which I do not feel like facing*. Let's just say that we lack civil liberties in certain parts of the globe. I'm not gona elaborate more on this as the time will come when I'll start crapping about how the world is going crazy and why can't these nice gentlemen just kiss and make up.
Dang I'm such an amateur.

*Don't worry I'm not being persecuted or anything. Lol. Heck I'm luckier that most people and quite thankful of it.