Wednesday, February 14, 2007

phm tk sy ckp cm ni?

tlg bgthu kt (insert name)

The seemingly random letters above in bold are actually words. Can't see it? Or maybe it's just me who takes a while to decipher such technologically advanced form of communication. Or maybe my proficiency in Malay isn't really up to par. I don't know really. Call me old-fashioned (or nerdy) but I love spelling out all the letters properly, checking my grammar and putting the apostrophe where it should be. But I do admit that I feel more comfortable loosing out a couple of consonants here and there when I type in Malay. Tak nak bunyi pelik. But certainly not to the degree of the above "phrase".

Tolong bagitahu dekat (insert name)

Just discovered the joy of Google Earth (omg damn cool-lah)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do understand it.. hahahaha...